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Coffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 Caspian coffee table – cast bronzeManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Coffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 Brooklyn coffee table - small penny bronzeManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Coffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 Hot lips coffee tableManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Сoffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 Omega coffee tableManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Coffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 Harlem coffee table - polished stainlessManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Coffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 Brooklyn coffee table - polished stainlessManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Coffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 Oslo coffee table - penny bronzeManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Coffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 Strata coffee tableManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Coffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 Brooklyn coffee table - large polishedManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Coffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 Stiletto coffee table - hammered bronzeManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Coffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 Eclipse coffee table – polished stainlessManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Coffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 Prisma block 04 – copperManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Coffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 Vertigo coffee tableManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Coffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 The Bronx coffee – polished stainlessManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Coffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 Caspian coffee table – polished stainlessManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Сoffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 Jax side table or coffee tableManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Coffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2017 VERTIGOManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Coffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 Toga coffee table - blackfriars goldManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Coffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 Elements coffee table – (2 pieces)Manufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Сoffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 Aegean coffee tableManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Coffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 Toga coffee tableManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Coffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 Wayside coffee table 03 - polished stainlessManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large
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Coffee table Villiers Brothers Limited 2016 Wayside coffee table 01 - penny bronzeManufacturer: Villiers Brothers LimitedSize: Large